Incident Report Form

The purpose of this form is to report all incidents that occur during RLA supports. 

An incident is defined as:

(a) Anything that has, or could have, caused harm to a person with disability receiving supports or services; and
 acts by a person with disability that happen in connection with the provision of supports or services and that have caused serious harm, or a risk of serious harm, to another person; and
Reportable incidents that are alleged to have occurred in connection with the provision of supports or services.

Date of when the incident was brought to our attention if unaware of the exact date
Time of when the incident was brought to our attention if unaware of the exact time
Use factual, unemotional language. State what happened without judgement. Include location.
Fill this out if you would like to receive a copy of this incident form when submitted
Tick all that apply
Tick all that apply
Tick all that apply
Clear drawing
If it cannot be accurately displayed on the picture, draw outside of the body
Photos or Documents